GE AKTA GE AKTA Purifier 10 FPLC System - FRAC-950 P-900, UV-900, pH/C-900, Box-900 Lab

GE AKTA GE AKTA Purifier 10 FPLC System - FRAC-950 P-900, UV-900, pH/C-900, Box-900 Lab

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GE AKTA Purifier 10, FPLC System

This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.

The system has been professionally serviced and is in good working order.

This system includes:

GE AKTA Purifier consisting of components: P-900, UV-900, pH/C-900, Box-900, IV-908, PV-908, INV-907 and M-925

Model number: 28406262 Serial Number: 1533920

GE A900 AKTA Autosampler A900

Model number: 56-3122-32 Serial Number: 110012

Amersham Pharmacia Biotech FRAC-950

Model number: 18-6083-00 Serial Number: 56608320 M7 001223

AKTA FPLC consisting of components: INV-907, AD-900 and X2 PV-908

GE CU-950 Control unit

Model number: 28931475AG Serial Number: 7183

Hiload 26/60 Superdex 75 pg

HP Compaq 8000 Elite CMT Business PC

Model number: AU245AV Serial Number: CZC1040XZG

HP Compaq LA1951G monitor

Phemomenex DEGASSEX DG-4400 degasser

Model number: DG-4400 Serial Number: 043B0487

Various cables and leads

All relevant user guides and user manuals

UNICORN 5.0/5.1 Software and all relevant manuals


ManufacturerGE AKTA
ModelGE AKTA Purifier 10 FPLC System - FRAC-950 P-900, UV-900, pH/C-900, Box-900 Lab
Stock NumberGOD23082023720223071