2000 TEL ACT 8

2000 TEL ACT 8

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Main Controller Type: TEL Controller #2

Wafer Flow: Right to Left


   A. Wafer Size: 200mm, DUV Application, Double Block System

    B. Wafer Flow: Right to Left(CSB Unit is in Right side and Interface Station Unit is in Left side)

    C. Process Block: 2ea(Double Block System)

    D. Block#1

      a. TEL Clean Track ACT8 EC/Equipment Controller#2

      b. Stage/Index: CSB/Cassette Stage Block with 4 Stage

      c. CRA/Cassette Block Robotics Arm: 1ea


    E. Block#2

      a. Coater Unit: 2ea(2ea of Normal Resist Unit at 2-1 and 2-2)

        - 4 Resist Dispense Nozzle per Each Normal Resist Coat Unit(2-1 and 2-2)

        - Each per units 1 Bottle 1 Nozzles(2-1 and 2-2)

        - 1 Solvent Prewet RRC/Reduced Resist Coater Nozzle per Each Coater Unit

        - 1 Side Rinse Nozzle(Programmable Side Rinse EBR) per Each Coater Unit

        - Dual Back Rinse Nozzle per Each Coater Unit

        - Resist Pumps of RRC Pump: 8ea

        - PTI Exhaust Controller: 2ea

 b. PRA/Process Block Robotic Arm: 1ea

      c. ADH/Adhesion Process Station: 2ea

      d. LHP/Low Temperature Hot Plate Station: 6ea

      e. CPL/ Chilling Plate: 2ea

      f. TCP/Transition Chil Plate: 1ea

      g. TRS/Transition Stage Unit: 1ea

      h. CWH/Cup Washer Holder Unit: 1ea

      i. SHU/Shuttle Module: 2ea


    F. Block#3

      a. Develop Unit: 4ea

        - 2 H Nozzle per Each Develop Unit(3-1,2,3,4)

          Total 8 H Nozzles for 4 Develop Unit

        - 1 Top Rinse Nozzle per Each Develop Unit

        - Dual Back Rinse Nozzles per Each Develop Unit

      b. PRA/Process Block Robotic Arm: 1ea

      c. LHP/Low Temperature Hot Plate Station: 2ea

      d. CPL/ Chilling Plate: 3ea

      e. PCH/ Precision Hot Plate Process Station: 4ea

      f. TRS/Transition Stage Unit: 1ea

 G. Block#4

      a. IFB/Interface Block: 1ea(Standard Interface Block)

      b. IRA/Interface Robotics Arm: 1ea

      c. Interface for ASML TWINSCAN 1250

      d. WEE/Wafer Edge Exposure Process Station: 1ea

      e.  CPL/ Chilling Plate: 1ea

      f.  THS/Temporary Holding Stage: 1ea

      g. SBU/Stationary Buffer Unit: 1ea

      h. EIS/Interface Stage Module: 1ea


    H. THC/Temperature and Humidity Controller: 1ea


    I. External Chemical Cabinet#1

a. Solvent Supply System(with ejector system, no need Degas module)

         - CSSS to Auto Supply System with Two of Buffer Tanks

      b HMDS Supply System

       - Auto Supply System with Two of Buffer Tanks

      c. Develop Solution Supply System

         - CSSS to Auto Supply System with Two of Buffer Tanks

         - Degas Module: need, 1ea, 520cc

      d. Resist Bottle System

          - Resist Bottle: 8 Bottles

          - Photo Resist Auto Exchange: N/A

          - L/E tank & L/E sensor: yes

          - Type of bottles: 1 Gallon glass type


    J. TEL OEM TCU/Temperature Control Unit: 1ea

       - SMC Circulator Pumps and Thermo Controller


K. Power Transformer AC Cabinet: 208VAC, 3 Phases, 50/60Hz


    L. Software Options

      a. Software Version: 2.04.000

      b. On-Line Software(TEL GEM Standard)

      c. Software Option

         - Parallel Processing Software

         - Process Log Software

         - Advance Cascading Software


  3) Wafer Details

A. Wafer Size: 8, Flat & Notch Type

      B. Wafer Material: Si


4) Detailed Specification

     A. Block#1: CSB/Cassette Station Block

        a. TEL Clean Track ACT8 Controller#2

        b. Stage: Cassette Stage Block 4 Stage

        c. CRA/Cassette Block Robotics Arm 1ea


     B. Block#2: Coater Units

        2ea(2ea of Normal Resist Unit at 2-1 and 2-2, 2ea)

        a. Dispense Nozzle Quantity: 4ea per Nozzle Resist Coater Unit

            Total 8ea Resist Nozzles for 2 Coater Units

        b. Pump Type: RRC Pumps

        c. Coater Cup Temperature Synchronized Control System and this is controlled by 2-1

        d. Photo Resist Temperature Control: Installed

        e. Motor Flange Temperature Control: Installed

        f. Photo Resist Drain Type: Direct Gravity Drain Type

        g. Side Rinse: Programmable Side Rinse EBR per Each Coater Unit

        h. BACK Rinse: Dual Type per Each Coater Unit

        i. 1 Solvent Pre-wet RRC/Reduced Resist Coat Nozzle per Each Coat Unit

        j. Photo Resist Bottle Quantity: 8ea for 2 Coat Unit External Photo Resist Supply

        k. Photo Resist Auto Exchange: N/A

        l. Auto Dummy Dispense System: Installed

        m. Cup Type: PP for Upper Cup and Inner Cup

        n. PRA/Process Block Robotics Arm: 1ea


     C. Block#3: Develop Units

        a. Dispense Nozzle Quantity: 2ea per Each Develop Unit and Total 8ea for 4 Develop Units

        b. Dispense Nozzle Type: H Nozzle

        c. Develop Temperature Control: Installed

        d. Motor Flange Temperature Control: Installed

        e. Drain Type: Direct Gravity Drain Type

        f. Top Rinse Nozzle: Installed(1 Nozzle) per Each Develop Unit

        g. Back Rinse Nozzle: Installed(Dual Types) per Each Develop Unit

        h. Auto Damper: Installed

        i. Auto Dummy Dispense System: Installed

        j. Cup Type: Cup and PP for Inner Cup


  5) Chemical Supply System

     A. External Solvent and Develop Solution Chemical Supply System

        a. 1st Section: Solvent Supply System for 2 Coat Units

          - Solvent Chemical Type: 1ea

          - CSSS to Auto Supply System with Two Buffer Tanks

          - Tank Type: 2 Buffer Tanks(3 Lite/Tank Teflon) to Cover 2 Coat Units

          - Tank Auto Switch -off/ Exchange: Installed


        b. 2nd Section: HMDS Supply System

          - HMDS Chemical Type: 1ea

          - TEL OEM Standard N2 Bubbling Buffer Type

          - Tank Type: 2Buffer Tanks(3 Liter/Tank, Teflon) for 1 Type of HMDS for 1 ADH Units

          - Filter: Yes, 1ea


        c. 3rd Section: Develop Solution Supply System for 4 Develop Units

          - Develop Solution Chemical Type: 1ea

          - CCSS/Central Chemical Supply System to Auto Supply System with 2ea of 3 Liter

             Buffer Tanks

          - Tank Type: 2 Buffer Tanks

          - Tank Auto Switch -off/ Exchange: Installed

          - Degas Module: 1ea(520cc)


        d. Chemical Supply System Cabinet for 60Liter Canister

           - Developer, Solvent Only

           - HMDS Canister Re-check


     B. External Photo Resist Supply System

        a. Photo Resist Supply System

          - Resist Bottle: 8 Bottles

          - Photo Resist Auto Exchange: N/A

          - L/E tank & L/E sensor: yes

          - Type of bottles: 1 Gallon glass type


  6) Accessories

     A. TEL OEM AC Power Transformer Unit: 1ea

     B. TEL OEM Komatz THC: 1ea

     C. TEL OEM SMC TCU: 1ea

     D. Chemical Cabinet: 1ea

        a) Chemical Supply Cabinet #1 (60 Liter Canister)

        b) Chemical Cabinet(In the 5 Liter Buffer Tank)

        c) Resist Supply Cabinet


ModelACT 8
Stock NumberBM2218