Privacy Policy

Tara Semiconductor Technology Limited does hold client, supplier, business contacts and so we felt that to be compliant we should prepare this statement below, so everyone knows what we hold and how seriously we treat this issue.

Tara Semiconductor Technology as an operating business do hold individual data on our customer suppliers and other contacts that has been collected over the years. The information we hold does not normally exceed Name, Company, Company Address, Department or job title, Email address and telephone number and VAT registration number.

We DO NOT hold data such as private address, age, gender, credit card details or any other data that could be seen as sensitive.

We try to provide a service that is of value to our customer base and any marketing information, invites to seminars, trade shows etc, comply with good practice and legislation.

Tara Semiconductor Technology Limited endeavours to be a good citizen in this global industry with many active Non-Disclosure agreements with customer companies. As such we are aware that all data should be treated confidentially which includes any personal details we may hold. We do not share what sensitive or personal information we have.

From May 25th 2018 the new European regulation on data privacy and the availability for personal information comes into force.

In order to comply with this regulation anyone can request a company or other organization to disclose to that person what information is held on them as an individual. This information must be disclosed to the individual within a month of any request.

We will have to verify the request is legitimate and will be provided on a one to one basis. Individuals can only request their own data.

We hope to continue our long relationship with our customers, suppliers and other business connections.

Tara Semiconductor Technology Limited will comply with any request to disclose any held personal information to that individual. Requests can be made by either contacting the company at or